laundry music video, out now. took forever to edit this lol. shoutout all my friends in the video:)
laundry music video, out now. took forever to edit this lol. shoutout all my friends in the video:)
new blog post!!
laundry is at like 12k streams rn... i would've never imagined this kind of love in just a week. im like emotional abt this lol.
my first song came out yesterday and everything's off to a great start :) already hit a 100 spotify followers on day one !! get ready for the music video guys... gotta finish editing it tho.
merry belated christmas. who else has hella violent dreams cuz honestly im scared from my dream last night. anyway i optimized my site for screens larger than a laptop. it still needs some work aesthetically but whatever. added some new pages too, like my gear page (i do not gatekeep), my vinyls, recommendations, and a cool desktop page. still working on the recs and desktop. excited for the new year!!
migrated to neocities from github... but i can't mass-push like i can on github cuz i don't have storage for developer tools on my laptop. so i'm kind of regretting neocities but i like the social aspect of it so whatever.
i went to some bars last night with friends. it was fun... i had no idea blackout wednesday was a thing. i also organized my site, which messed up the directory. i added a blog tab too. i guess i'm going to be writing blog posts now.
got the real drums back today for every song. my ep sounds so 2000s garage rock/pop. i love it. i made a draft for the cover art and some potential single art too. it really feels like the project is coming together. im like so happy with every song!!
so i added purrgatory a few days ago. it's so cute. i decided to learn some game development too cuz i just wanna keep adding things to my website but i'm running out of ideas. i'm thinking maybe i'll try and make a rhythm game to my songs as they come out. the software doesn't run too well on my computer though cuz i had to install it on my hard drive. we'll see if i end up actually making it. i just like working on new projects.
updated the photobook. might need to add more pics later. going to add a presave link box on this site next.
i made a mailing list sign up & a starter for the shop page. i'm so stoked about music right now.
my song i'd do eats so freaking bad omg im sooo excited to put this one out it literally gives me stank face
finished recording everything for my first ep!! woohoo. i also showed someone birdsong and they cried. win.
made some cool songs this week... but i need to finish vocals for the last song i'm putting out ;-; shouldn't take long though. i think i wanna feature the new songs i made on the homepage.
i expanded the photobook. it runs a little slow even after i compressed all the images. i wanna figure out something to add to this website cuz it's so fun to make new pages. but idk what to add.
learning javascript rn
they dont wanna see me flourishðŸ˜
i hurd i was cancel 😂😂
github is so confusing. uploaded my site though. time to get a domain.
created a songs page and a photobook. i'm trying to figure out what else to add and also how i can upload this site for free... i don't wanna pay ugh.
another late night working on this website but this time i actually feel tired. anyway i just added a contact and about page. yay. my stomach hurts from too much valentina on my chips...
i feel like an alcoholic when i drink kombucha before bed :P
started to make this website & learn how to code two days ago. today i added chatbox, bao bao, and now working on update box. i've barely slept cuz i've been so excited about it!! lol.