blog š–¦¹

january 26, 2025 - fauna

so last night, i wrote some of the most beautiful lyrics iā€™ve ever writtenā€¦ i want to nerd out about it a little. this is just the beginning demoā€”a little group of my music friends are working on making it a full song. kidlucky sent me this little instrumental track with the name ā€œfaunaā€ and i wrote this to it as a start:

sweating in a sauna
in a deer, i saw my brother
(my brother, my mother, and maybe my daughter)
he said ā€œitā€™s for the bestā€

prima donna
she do just what she wanna
but she did it for deer momma
'cause there's a hole inside her chest

"in my old age, they're hunting me
darling, do whatever you want to, deer
'cause you'll never be me"
deer mother,
deer brother,
deer daughter,
do you think it's for the best?
i picture this set on a night in the woods. you stumble upon a deer and realize the deer is just like youā€”your brother, mother, and perhaps the children that will come after you. all the pain inflicted upon this deer, and the earth, is just like the pain we inflict upon ourselves as humans; a pain that is carried through generations. i wanted to play with the deer motifā€”using the word ā€œdeerā€ is intentional. it doubles as a literal reference to the animal and the term of endearment, "dear," reinforcing the idea that we are equal to nature.

the prima donna deerā€”the daughter deerā€”represents the self. she does whatever she wants to, but she carries an understanding that her mother sacrificed everything for her. in that sense, i may be a prima donna but my mother was once one as well, and someday, a prima donna will come from me. i imagine the deerā€™s mother is shot in hunting, and she tells her children to ā€œdo whatever you want to, de(e/a)r, ā€˜cause youā€™ll never be me.ā€ thereā€™s an element of resignation hereā€”itā€™s a blessing for her children to live life as their own, but itā€™s a reminder that they carry the pain of their motherā€™s sacrifice with them.

my mom is from china. she didnā€™t come to the states for a better life, however, she came here to be with my dad. just like many immigrants, she gave up her life for me. and i guess i wonder what my motherā€™s identity would be if not a mother. i feel like i observe that in motherhood, you lose a part of your individuality when you enter itā€”you lose your name and you become ā€œmom.ā€ itā€™s cyclical, just as the nature of life and death, prey and predator.

at first, i wrote this with climate change in mindā€”the deer as a symbol of the earth itself, wounded by both a literal hunter and also the pain we humans are inflicting upon the environment. as i wrote, i began to see a parallel: just as the earth bears the weight of exploitation, families carry the burdens of the generations before them. so i guess i ache for the planet, just as i ache for my mother. to watch la burn, to witness a genocide, to see ecosystems destroyedā€”itā€™s devastating. itā€™s tough, because what can i do to help? nothing reallyā€¦ itā€™s the people in power who are destroying our planet. at least i can make art about it. in my eyes, flora and fauna are equally deserving of life as humans. and in a deer, i see my brother, mother, and maybe my daughter.

when we finish the song, i might add the original demo here for curious ears to listen to. signing off,


january 17, 2025 - i love being indie

hey guys. isobel here. life has been pretty cool latelyā€¦ usually january is tough for me but itā€™s been amazing so far with the response from my first song. i was pretty emotional about it earlier because i spent so long hating my music and myself. itā€™s kind of a full circle moment because ā€œlaundryā€ is about hating myself lol. happy to say i no longer feel like that.

it just makes me think that if people like ā€œlaundry,ā€ theyā€™re going to love my other musicā€”i honestly donā€™t love my writing on ā€œlaundryā€ and i think i have more compelling songs. i do, however, think itā€™s a great introduction to me. itā€™s a pop song, you know. easy on the ears. catchy. iā€™m just thankful to have everyone whoā€™s helped me out on the project. josh, my manager, has made having a professional soundā€”and everything else that comes with putting out musicā€”possible for me. otherwise, laundry would be a shit mix with midi drums. iā€™m very, very thankful to have him as a mentor.

i have a lot to learn. or maybe i want to learn a lot. i love having a diy ethos in life and my projects. iā€™m proud that i coded this website myself, filmed and edited my music video, drew my cover art, and produced my songs!! iā€™ve been working on expanding my sound design knowledge too, but aside from that, i want to learn some other softwareā€¦ it would be cool to learn blender or something just for the heck of it.Ā  i want to get into digital media too. it might be cool to do my artwork for scarlet down the line, but i have this vision that the cover art would be a little more digital. maybe iā€™ll look into adobe illustrator or photoshop when i have the funds. honestly, i love playing on the computer. i love making things. always have.

iā€™ve also been feeling more confident as a writer. i went live last night and talked about the meaning of some of my unreleased lyrics, and i guess it was nice to get some outsider opinion and validation. it makes me feel like a real artist, i guess. i think of all the poets, writers, and artists i draw from and hope one day i could be that person for someone else. i wish to be as poetic of a writer as like adrianne lenker, mary oliver, elliott smith, or bjork. for now, iā€™ll allude to them in my music. someone from my live video suggested making a lyric book one day with doodles and annotations. i would love to do that. i envision my eps as little worlds full of parables. each parable has a setting and characters that are a part of meā€”half-truths, half-abstractions.Ā 

anyway, my favorite song right now is ā€œcarbonheadā€ by tracey brakes. the lyrics make me cry. i believe the song is about everything that comes with being trans. although i canā€™t relate to that aspect, she conveys a feeling of ostracism in her lyrics that feel universal. the song is an exploration of who you are versus who you could be, which is an exact theme i explored in one of my songs, ā€œmiss intentions.ā€ the content of each song is different, but ā€œcarbonheadā€ tugs at my heart because i feel like iā€™ve felt similarā€¦ like the person you want to be is not who you are and the weight of that drags you down deep. the melody in that song is so beautiful too. this song has been on repeat for me since early december. the album itā€™s from, my twee monsters, is fantastic too. hard recommend.

bit of a long entry today, sorry. signing off.


december 7, 2024 - whatever...


i was walking at night today and looking at the headlights on the cars and i realized the world is so beautiful when you have an astigmatism.

pictured are some images i fw today. i watched the substance about a week ago and i genuinely closed my eyes for half the movie. i donā€™t do well with the body stuff, oh my godā€¦ and the story of self-hatred is just too much for me. it was a good movie thoughā€”so visually grotesque but it achieved what it set out to do. iā€™m honestly not really a movie person. i only watch them with friends. they always want to watch horror movies and i do genuinely get scared. i would never elect to watch a horror movie on my own. i donā€™t like the stress. i close my eyes often during movies.

i wrote a song in chinese today. well, partially. it switches between mandarin and english. honestly i donā€™t love the song but iā€™m proud of my chinese lyrics because iā€™ve never written anything worth sharing in chinese before.

ę–°å¤©å ‚
ēœ‹ę— åøø
ꈑčŗŗåœØä½ ę—č¾¹ē”
ꈑēœ‹ēœ‹ä½ č¦ę”¾é£ž
ꈑäøŠå—ļ¼Œä½ äøŠåŒ—
i only love you
not her
give me your heart
and go home
the night breeze flies
a new heaven
looking at you
(is) looking at impermanence
if the day turns dark
iā€™ll lay down beside you and sleep
i see that you want to fly
iā€™ll go south, you go north
itā€™s much more poetic in chinese than it is in english. some things just donā€™t translate quite right. it also makes more sense in the context of the song. i couldnā€™t really come up with a compelling story, but i landed on the narrator leaving their partner but still loving them. the english explores the question of whether they should leave, and the chinese is a soft acceptance that itā€™s okay to ā€œcut the string.ā€ i like to write in characters because it allows me to tell stories that aren't necessarily true. usually they're abstractions and sometimes they're just fully made up, like this one. itā€™s supposed to tie into the meaning of the album iā€™m working onā€”the red string theoryā€”but i just donā€™t think the song is interesting enough. whatever.

spotify wrapped came out a few days ago. every year iā€™m humbled because i wear my love for music on my sleeve but my listening minutes arenā€™t nearly as high as everyone else. or maybe everyone else is just crazyā€¦ do they never just enjoy silence? they donā€™t count me listening to my own music, however. i listened for 18,022 minutes. my top artists were feeble little horse, bjork, alice phoebe lou, elliott smith, and fiona apple. all of my top songs were from feeble little horse. iā€™ve been obsessed with their music this year. i thought i listened to way less bjork this year but she was still my number two. she is usually my number one.

hereā€™s my top song this year - i hope you like it as much as me. i streamed it 77 times.


november 30, 2024 - on boyish

dear reader,

i wrote about scarlet, so naturally, i must write about boyish. ideally, boyish would be an album - i have enough songs for it. but for the sake of just finally getting music out, itā€™s an ep. boyish is my coming-of-age story. itā€™s an angsty ode to the midwest. the songs were written from ages 17-20, with ā€œaubreyā€ being the oldest and ā€œiā€™d doā€ being the youngest. i knew i wanted my first ep to be named boyish, even before i knew what songs would be on it. boyish, as a name, feels like it encapsulates me: a tomboy through and through. there are a couple of songs on boyish that iā€™m in love with, and sonically, they go well together because they use a lot of 7 chords. those songs are ā€œhot shitā€ and ā€œiā€™d do.ā€

ā€œhot shitā€ might be the best song on the project. i wrote it back in november 2023 when i was fed up with life. itā€™s mainly about those people who think theyā€™re the shit, and dealing with them as a moody girl in a suffocating town. maybe you have someone who comes to mind when you think of thatā€¦ perhaps a boss or a man in your life. iā€™ve had a few guy friends over the years and usually, in one way or another, they disappoint me with their behavior or actions behind closed doors. it sucks when you think someone is one way, but then they show you another side of themself and you realize theyā€™re not as safe as you thought. i feel like men also tend to have an abundance of unwarranted confidence that women typically have to fight for. ā€œhot shitā€ is a gritty ballad about shitty guys and shitty people who think theyā€™re above everyone else, use religion to excuse their malice, and abuse their power over you.

the other hit on boyish is ā€œiā€™d do,ā€ a clever little play on words: i(ā€˜d) do (u). ā€œiā€™d doā€ is a song on the duality between love and lust. itā€™s about believing that someone could be in your life forever, but youā€™re not quite sure, so you let lust guide you. sonically, iā€™m a big fan of it. the repeating hook throughout the song gets me, especially when it erupts with a distorted guitar lead that transports you to a sweaty house show basement. ā€œiā€™d doā€ is a midwestern song about your best friend or lover. or when your lover is your best friend. there are a couple of people in my life who i think iā€™ll know forever and itā€™s because theyā€™re both my best friends. and iā€™m in love with both of them. ā€œiā€™d doā€ is about being in love with your best friend and itā€™s most evident in these lyrics:

ā€˜cause i-i-i-i love you whenever, baby
time will screw us together
yes, iā€™ll love you forever, maybe
and iā€™d do you, whatever!
do-o-o you-o-o-o-o
do-o-o you-o-o-o-o
ā€˜cause ā€œi do,ā€ or whatever
bid adieu to you, iā€™ll never say it
dude, we go together
but my heart canā€™t take the pressure of it

the lyric ā€œtime will screw us togetherā€ is a double entendre. time will cement us in place but also f*** us over. maybe itā€™s a triple entendre because you can interpret time being f***ed in two waysā€¦ the whole song plays with double meanings, exploring love and ambivalence. i imagine it in the fall in michigan, running around the woods and riding bikes with your best friend. you climb trees by the creek and explore train tracks, arm in arm. i see ā€œiā€™d doā€ set to imagery of hanging out with your childhood best friend - maybe because the song has a youthful energy. ā€œiā€™d do,ā€ however, is written for my current best friends.

boyish is a project iā€™m proud of because every part of it feels like me - it captures my adolescence. i imagine boyish as the backtrack to a coming-of-age movie. my songwriting in this era is the process of finding my voice, and i hope to carry the approach i had to boyish with me as i continue to make music. i hope boyish finds its way to those who need it mostā€”to the young queer girls and tomboys like i was. may it be a soundtrack to their own coming-of-age stories, just as it was for mine.


november 26, 2024 - on scarlet

dear reader,

i wanted to write a bit about my second ep/album, scarlet. iā€™m not sure if itā€™s an ep or album yet purely by length; itā€™s seven tracks, so something in between. iā€™m hoping the producer i collaborate with, kidlucky, will send me another beat or two to write over and add to the project. before this project everything of mine was self-produced - something i take great pride in. i remember telling my manager way back when that i wanted my first project to be self-produced, and then iā€™d consider working with other producers after. it ended up happening that way organically.

kidlucky dmed me saying that my ā€œinsta link doesnā€™t workā€ from my soundcloud about a year ago. from there he sent me his demos and we started to talk about music. this may sound a little condescending but what surprised me about him was i liked his music - a rare occurrence for me in the diy music community. he sent me the instrumental ā€œsober sallyā€ and i knew i had to hop on asap. well, first i ignored his message for five days (coincidentally mirroring one of the original lyrics in the song) and then i started writing as soon as i listened. it came naturally too - i wrote and recorded the demo in about two hours and sent it back. from there, he would send me instrumentals and i would send something back within a few hours or the next couple of days. ā€œsober sallyā€ is about two characters, a boy and a girl, hopelessly intertwined in drug use. the boy is high all the time and subsequently doesnā€™t show that he cares about the narrator. the narrator hurts themself to get this guyā€™s attention. if these were tv characters, theyā€™d be jesse and jane from breaking bad. ā€œsober sallyā€ is one of my favorites from the bunch.

another one of my favorites is ā€œundercover.ā€ my girlfriend showed me the song ā€œhot knife" by fiona apple a couple months before writing it. i was very inspired by the knife-and-butter metaphor, so i appropriated it. i also wanted to capture the sensuality of bjorkā€™s ā€œcocoonā€ - a song i grew up with. ā€œundercoverā€ was written in 15 minutes over a facetime call with my best friend. he was doing his work while i mumbled to myself, scrambling down words. i then quickly hung up and recorded the demo. the lyrics, concept, and everything about that song came so intuitively. it felt like the song was already there; i just unveiled it. i wanted to capture the idea of a childhood love - your childhood best friend, or your first love. i feel itā€™s most evident in this verse in the song:

you play your tricks, what sticks gets stuck
through thick and thin, a string i pluck
when we were kids and lighting struck
it hit your head, your heart conducts it through
right through
in two
my love runs through you

this verse, and the idea behind the song, also capture the concept of the project. the ā€œstringā€ iā€™m referring to both the strings of the guitar i play and the red string theory, a belief in chinese folklore that two people who are destined to meet each other are tied together by a red string. i often feel like the people i meet, especially those important to me, are people who are fated to be in my life. i think thatā€™s true for other people too. i believe in the red string theory - or at least iā€™m fond of the idea of it. ā€œundercoverā€ was also written right before a family trip to china to see family and my momā€™s hometown. i listened to it on repeat there, and the images i associate with it are all videos and photos i took on that trip. to me, ā€œundercoverā€ is a rainy day covered by umbrellas, in the ancient town in ē»å…“ or by the beautiful west lake in ę­å·ž. ā€œundercoverā€ is getting late-night ramen outside a busy fluorescent street and biking home in the chinese countryside. if it were a movie, it would be your name decorated with imagery from chungking express. scarlet is the red string theory, and iā€™m excited about it as a project. itā€™s a real gem - a no-skip album if you will. those songs feature some of my best storytelling and lyricism. working with another producer made me realize where i shine best: as a singer-songwriter. i want to keep writing songs that capture the same magic as the songs from scarlet. maybe iā€™ll go into a bit more depth about some of the other songs in a future blog post.

signing off,

november 25, 2024 - welcome 2 my blog

dear reader,

welcome to my blog. iā€™ve decided to explore a new creative avenue: long-form writing! after all, one of my favorite things to do is write - god, you should see my journals. iā€™ve kept a journal since i was in kindergarten. most of them are collecting dust in the basement, but i keep my most recently relevant journals in my room. i wish i could post some of the entries, poems, and songs from my journals here, but everything iā€™ve written is a mess of poetic nothings about my deeply personal affairs. iā€™ll flip through, however, and see if thereā€™s anything non-descript enough worth sharing for the future.

anyway, weā€™re in the heart of autumn - nearing the end, actually. the leaves continue to undress the trees and outside it smells like firewood and sugar maple. a week ago, i cut my hair, and feel like a new me - someone excited for life. iā€™m super stoked about putting out my ep. it just sounds so good. there are still many things i could nitpick about it but overall, iā€™m satisfied. still gotta go through mixing and mastering, however. lately, iā€™ve been sketching some artwork for singles. i donā€™t know why i didnā€™t think of doing the art on my own earlier - iā€™ve always loved drawing. here are some single artwork sketches iā€™ve been working on:

**my art style is super inspired by adventure time if you canā€™t tell.

iā€™m thinking of mixed media for singles and a drawing alone for ep art. in my head, boyish is blue - a tale of a midwestern teenager coming to grips with the reality of adult love and life. a coming-of-age story, if you will. the final track on my ep, ā€œaubrey,ā€ was one of the first few songs i ever wrote. itā€™s crazy to think that itā€™s finished and will be officially released. itā€™s also probably the song iā€™m least in love with - i guess i just outgrew it. a couple of friends of mine told me they liked the original demo more than the new version. i feel like the original holds a special place in my friendsā€™ hearts. it does for me too, but when i listen to it now, i cringe. i did my best with the new version so it is what it is. i like it, i just donā€™t love it like i do my punky ballads, ā€œhot shitā€ and ā€œiā€™d do.ā€ those two are gold. i listen and i get stank face. shit rocks.

thatā€™s all iā€™ve got for today. cya.
